F A V O U R I T E S!

Luella's F/W 07/08 collection, while ONLY womenswear is one of my favourite collections ever.
There are a few reasons:
1) Heavy mod influenece.
2) Primarily monochromatic
3) Winklepickers
4) Anoraks
5) Slim trousers and suits
6) Amazing textiles (the letter print one and the houndstooth)
7) i think it's pretty timeless, and youthful


  1. wow, ive only ever seen bits from this collection, but i really love it. its so diverse yet cohesive, amazing. i love that there are some reallyreally feminine bits and some great androynous pieces too.
    oh and im just dying over the silver winklepickers (i know what im asking for for christmas!!!) the suit in the last picture is bananas! ahahah! i need that jacket :P

    oooh and i really really need a white shirt with a giant D on it!
