M-O-U-S-E !

The voice of Mickey Mouse died yesterday (or the day before) but i am really, very obsessed with mouse ears. I blame that episode of in the closet the Gok show that had Kelly Osbourne showing off her Comme Des Garcons Mickey Mouse Ears (click here). Comme Des Garcons f/w07/08 interpretation.

Then in London, a bunch of designers and celbrities had agreed to put their own twist on the ears and auction them off to raise funds for Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity .
(would have loved to see what Roisin could do...but Luella's are my favourite so far...and the spiked ones by Giles Deacon)
The Aucton has started and you can bid here...if you're interested.

The last decade has also seen the always outrageous, Jeremy Scott, place the ears atop an army helmet.
Even Mr Slimane seems to be jumping on the bandwagon shooting a series with the wonderful Worrall in a Mickey Mouse earred tophat.

so far my obsession has only been manifeted in a few illustrations.

I'm quite convinced if i do not order a pair for myself soon (just a plain pair), i could possibly die. (i'm pretty sure i wouldn't actually wear them out though...or would I?


  1. http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/7306/miguelitoyamigos600.jpg
    i cant wait to get some ears!
    you are fueling my obesession! thanks mathieu! ahahaahaha!
    you'd be king if you did wear them out! but since i can not be there, i demand pictures if/when this happens!

    i hope i can get several plain pairs that i can customise with sequins and studs and drape in chains and things!

    i wonder what Pugh would do if he was to customise a pair?!! mmm!

  2. i want a clear pair.
    clear and colourless.

  3. if i had a pair of mouse ears i think i would wear them even in my sleep.

    perhaps i'll make a trip down to disney just for it & pick you up a pair of those futuristic mickey ones too, yeah?

    & my my! how i love your drawings. remind me to buy you out once i'm working again.


  4. I ordered a pair of ears at the end of last week. YAY!
    if you tell me when your birthday is, i'll make you something special and ship it your way for providing me with lovely things to read so often ;)

  5. OMG I love them !
    But, do anyone know where i can order them? I really need a link please :)

  6. Amazing post, I would love Giles Decon's ears to prance about in. Sadly, I will have to make do with my basic Minnie Mouse ears from Disneyland, but maybe I will think up a way to customize them now i've seen these! <3
